The officers in the security booth and on tour will have an executive profile. They willbe trained in customer service, and have a friendly attitude, while protecting your facilities, customers, staff and assets in general at all times.
We offer this physical security service in free zones, condominiums, corporate, governmental, educational institutions, warehouses, shopping centers and buildings, among others.
The service that our company offers provides security cameras as an added value, at no additional cost, and the corresponding protection managers.
As part of our commitment to innovation, we have drones with scheduled routes, for positions that require additional surveillance, operating in accordance with all local laws and regulations.
Within our organization we have a “Global Brigade”team that has specially trained personnel to handle critical situations; the team is available 24 hours a day to support the officers and your clients.
The work tools we use are innovative for the private security sector, with high-tech implements allowed under the laws of each area in which we provide services. Our staff is fully trained in the use of these tools.
The work tools we use are innovative for the private security area, with high-tech implements allowed under the laws (Black Jack, non-lethal weapon / taser, hands-free radio communicator, others).
We make a difference by taking the concept of security to its highest level, providing a differentiated customer service, committing ourselves to the service we provide, in all commercial activities that we offer at Grupo Global.
The work tools we use are innovative in the private security area, with the necessary high-tech implements allowed under the laws of each local government within any countrywhere we provide services.